Confidently launched her start-up after 2 years in the making

Khadija Al Jabri is an established communications professional and social entrepreneur who recently founded PlayMaker, a social advocacy platform with a mission to shift perspectives on stigmatised societal challenges.
Watch the interview to hear about Khadija’s experience with The Brandz Bee

The challenge: Khadija has been planning the project since 2019 and came to me with an extensive 200+ page business plan, detailing everything she needed to do to get her project going and start making an impact through her work.

However, she struggled with articulating her overall message so that it would make sense and knew she needed to pull on other expertise to bring her brand image to life.

With a mission to target multiple sectors of society, and not just appeal to a younger demographic, Khadija wanted her brand to represent a safe yet courageous space.

Diplomatically bold.

PlayMaker is a social advocacy platform that sheds light on very sensitive topics. But it’s not just your average content resource, PlayMaker is here to make a statement.

“By minimizing communication challenges and narrowing the gaps between the social development sector and the public as a whole,
we increase the numbers of survivors, encourage increased societal understanding and create impact for future generations to

An early logo concept

The Stellar Brand Facelift experience

Khadija went straight for the full experience by going for my signature service. This means that we kick off with an intensive brand workshop, a 3hour+ virtual mastermind, where we uncover her core strategy for connecting her mission to her people.

During this workshop, I discovered that her audience targeting goes a lot deeper than most.

Her platform offers solutions for all sectors of society, and this is all down to Khadija’s passion for holistic solutions that fix the root cause of the issue.

As the brand strategist, this can be a tricky situation. Because, not only do we have to encompass multiple different types of people when drawing up the guidelines for brand messaging, it also means crafting a visual identity that appeals to all.

I have a solution for that though (ofcourse!). Creating a compelling brand experience doesn’t fully depend on who it’s FOR. It’s really about who the BRAND is.

Digging deeper

Your brand is advocating for something major, and behind this big message lies a story that is close to the founder’s heart. By defining this narrative we begin to clearly understand HOW your brand can show up in a way that is authentic and gets your message heard loud and clear 📣📣📣.


you’re leading something incredible.  it’s about time the world knew about it.