Get ready to stop feeling like you have to fight your heart to succeed, and finally have confidence to show up as an authentic and magnetic brand leader!

you are…

The Conversationist

You love to understand people and give them a platform to be themselves.

your special traits 

here’s what people love about you

You’re AMAZING at making them feel right at home, no matter where you are

Your LIVELY energy is a breath of fresh air to any space you enter

You’re able to understand them on a deeper level than anyone else

let’s talk more…

your leadership style

As The Conversationist type, you have a unique leadership style that deeply inspires people to speak up and let their true self loose.

Authenticity is important to you because you believe that when diversity is acknowledged and appreciated, it creates a rich environment for growth.

But it’s not just about authenticity.  You’re passionate about people’s ability to communicate, and you know how a lack of confident communication can cause disaster.

As a leader, you seek to support the world by engaging people in conversation, so that everyone has a mutual understanding.

The world would be boring without you!


now for the fun part…

how to infuse your style into your brand

There’s two parts to this:
Your brand (HOW you are) + Your marketing (WHAT you do).


Your specialty is your curiosity to understand and learn.  You have a knack for sparking conversations that could go on for hours.  People love to be a part of your world because of how enlightened they feel once they leave.

It’s not your research or credentials that make your brand.  It’s your unique perspective & personality that does.

>> Click here for my top strategy tip for the conversationist brand


When it comes to marketing your brand online, sharing those thought provoking ideas and strong opinions you have is a great way to bring your conversational nature to your content.

As you do this, remember it’s your unique perspective on the subject that sets you apart in your industry.

>> Click here for a content style I call the ‘golden ticket’ for The Conversationist!

🐝 buzZz tip: Add gamification to your marketing to increase engagement (like this quiz).

my strategy tip for you

Add interactivity to your strategy.

You are so good at providing a platform for shared voices, you need to bring this into your brand experience.

That could look like hosting a community space (online or offline) or making ‘engagement’ one of your top priority metrics for measuring your marketing success.

Either way, infusing your brand leadership style into your strategy looks like facilitating more interesting conversations around the things that matter to you.

your golden ticket content style


If you want to know how you can really flex your newly discovered Brand Leadership style, it’s this.

‘The Controversy’ is a type of content that gives your audience a sense of involvement.  This is awesome because it wets their appetite for the next offer in your pipeline (something they’ll pay for!).

→ It goes like this:

  1. First you’ll want to ensure you’re speaking on a topic that is relevant to what your brand is about.  (e.g. you sell sustainable fashion, a micro topic could be the reality of fast fashion packaging).
  2. Let your opinion rip.  This content piece is about sparking conversation and it starts with your authentic share.
  3. Invite an open discussion.  Prompt your audience to engage and share their own insights by asking them a question.
  4. Call-to-action.  Encourage your audience to click on a link, send you a message or leave a comment.

This content style works as both a written or video content piece.  It’s so versatile and once you get confident with it, it can literally become your no.1 client attraction tool.

🎥 Here’s an example of a lighthearted Controversy post as a blog:

Click to read the article.  The title follows step 2 (let your opinion rip).  The content features multiple interactive polls, which follows step 3 (invite an open discussion).  BuzzFeed is a great example of a Conversationist brand leadership style.


what’s next?

I hope you had fun discovering your brand leadership style, and you definitely have some things to implement to bring that buzZz to your marketing!