Get ready to stop feeling like you have to fight your heart to succeed, and finally have confidence to show up as an authentic and magnetic brand leader!

you are…

The Educator

You love to help people make better decisions & live their best life with the power of the ‘know-how’.

your special traits 

here’s what people love about you

You SEE them where they’re at and lovingly nurture them to the other side

You’re willing to get your hands dirty if it means elevating yourself and those around you

You are SO passionate about your subject, it shines through every time you speak on it

let’s talk more…

your leadership style

As The Educator type, you have a unique leadership style that empowers people to become more self motivated & disciplined as they seek to achieve their goals.

Education is important to you because you believe that with the right know-how, people can make better decisions.

But it’s not just about decisions.  You’re passionate about people’s overall success, and you know how a lack of education can hold them back from amazing opportunities.

 As a leader, you seek to level the playing field for the world so that everyone has an equal chance to succeed.

The world would be dull without you!


now for the fun part…

how to infuse your style into your brand

There’s two parts to this:
Your brand (HOW you are) + Your marketing (WHAT you do).


Your specialty is that you know something others don’t.  They are waiting to be enlightened!  There may be others out there who teach the same subject or have a similar style to you – but they can NEVER be you!

It’s not your research or credentials that make your brand.  It’s your unique perspective & personality that does.

>> Click here for my top strategy tip for the educator brand


When it comes to marketing your brand online, sharing snippets of your subject expertise works really well.  Because not only are you demonstrating your credibility as an expert, you’re also giving your audience a taste of what it’s like to work closely with you / use your products.

As you do this, remember it’s your unique perspective on the subject that sets you apart in your industry.

>> Click here for a content style I call the ‘golden ticket’ for The Educator!

🐝 buzZz tip: Give your audience an incentive to share your content.

my strategy tip for you


Framework your expertise.

You have a lot of knowledge to share, but you need a process.  Rather than sharing everything you know, give structure to your ideas.

For example – one of my clients is a history researcher with a mission to change the world-view of Africa.  We structured the way she shares content by defining 3 phases of history she’ll cover: pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial.

This way, she gives more context to her audience who come across the content.  Whilst making it easier for her to know what to create & share.

your golden ticket content style


If you want to know how you can really flex your newly discovered Brand Leadership style, it’s this.

‘The Breakdown’ is a type of content that gives your audience a micro win.  Micro wins are awesome because it wets their appetite for the next offer in your pipeline (something they’ll pay for!).

→ It goes like this:

  1. First you identify a small piece of information that would help your audience achieve a micro goal.  (e.g. you teach phonics, micro goal could be helping their child grasp the difference between b and d).
  2. Set the scene.  Give context as to what limiting belief, struggle or myth is getting in the way of this micro goal.
  3. Share your method.  Don’t be shy to give the goodies here.  Remember, it’s by helping them achieve their micro goal that they’ll come back for the next step (your paid option).
  4. Call-to-action.  Encourage your audience to click on a link, send you a message or leave a comment.

This content style works as both a written or video content piece.  It’s so versatile and once you get confident with it, it can literally become your no.1 client attraction tool.

🎥 Here’s an example of a Breakdown post as a video:


what’s next?

I hope you had fun discovering your brand leadership style, and you definitely have some things to implement to bring that buzZz to your marketing!